Saturday, November 7, 2009

Pro Life!

Perhaps, no other single issue has so divided Americans. I used to not really know how I felt on this issue and frankly, at one point, I did not even care. We should look back historically at this term and realize that this term has indeed changed over time. The people and groups that opposed abortion were at one point referenced as anti- abortion and the people that supported the right to choose were called pro-choice. The religious crowd and their political gurus got involved and decided that the term anti- abortion was a negative term and they wanted to change the term to pro-life. They also wanted the pro choice folks to be called pro-abortion. This change was made through the so called “liberal “media and was pushed by pastors and churches and through the exploding medium known as conservative radio. The change was such a success that no one seems to even remember the former terms. My first comment would be that I am a male and as such, I feel that I am not qualified to decide what is best on this issue. Until a man can have a baby, I don’t think that we should be making these decisions for women. I can guarantee you that if men were the ones that got pregnant, then abortion would not only be legal; you would be able to get one at any grocery store 24 hours a day. I do agree with President Clinton when he said…”abortions should be safe, legal and rare”. I also would like to dispute the perception that abortion is used as birth control. There is simply no truth in women using this embarrassing procedure as a way to control pregnancy. What person in their right mind would want the cost and health risk and self guilt of going through this process over and over? My last question would be the same as I asked a group of conservative Christian people recently. I simply want to know if these same people supported the war in Iraq? The obvious answer is of course they do. My next question would be, you are anti-abortion as well? Again, the answer is yes. The final question would be, how can you be pro-life and yet support the killing of thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands of innocent lives in Iraq? I was shouted down after this question and was told that we were justified in killing the people in Iraq because that was keeping us safe. How could this be? Maybe because the facts have been blurred? Iraq had nothing to do with 911 and had no way to harm us as a Nation. I’m afraid that these same people were brain washed by the Bush administration and somehow believed the propaganda about Iraq. If you have any doubts, simply perform a Google search and view the myriad of articles and interviews that admit such by President Bush, Vice President Cheney and all the others involved in the march to war. The point I want to make is, if you are a pro-life person, how can you support the killing of innocent people anywhere in the world? How can you care about an unborn baby but offer no care or support after they are born? I think that what we are looking at here is a case of ironic behavior. The same people that support small Government and keeping Washington out of your lives are more than happy to have the government involved in your life in the case of abortion.

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