Contrary to popular Southern Belief, the word Liberal is not a bad word. I have heard for many years now that all of problems in society and in the world are due to Liberal politics and Liberal politicians and voters. Our “friends” on the right love to preach the virtues of conservatism and the evils of Liberalism. According to the right, all of the newspapers and news media are liberal and have a liberal slant. These same folks will further tell you that fox news is a fair and balanced network and not slanted. Let’s be clear. There is no Liberal Media. I have searched high and low for it and it is much like searching for a Sasquatch. Liberal media does exist but it is a small minority. MSNBC has allowed some Liberal shows to be aired and there is a very small Liberal talk medium through small AM stations and satellite radio but it is very confined and not allowed to compete. The funny thing is, that when the Liberal shows are allowed to compete on a level playing field, they often beat much larger and established shows and host from the Conservative side. There used to be a fairness doctrine back in the 80’s and that was the basis for the modern day horrible news set up. In that time frame, media and news shows were required to give each side of the issue, equal time. If a Democratic leader had 5 minutes to speak, it would then be followed by a Republican speaking for 5 minutes. This doctrine has been gone for several years. The problem is, there seems to be a lack of actual reporting these days. The news channels are caught up in still expressing two opinions on each issue, even when one party is in the wrong. The facts will stand on their own and there is no need to have a contrary point of view on when the facts point to one side or the other as being in error. I am a Liberal and I would like to end this session with the true definition of the word Liberal.
Liberal-broad: showing or characterized by broad-mindedness; "a broad political stance"; "generous and broad sympathies. Tolerant. having political or social views favoring reform and progress. tolerant of change; not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or tradition. a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties.
Let us also not forget that the terms Liberal and Conservative were largely born from the “New Deal”. “Roosevelt altered the nature of the party, away from laissez-faire capitalism, and towards an ideology of economic regulation and insurance against hardship. Two old words took on new meanings: "Liberal" now meant a supporter of the New Deal; "conservative" meant an opponent.”
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