Friday, January 29, 2010

Believe it or not!

I have said that meeting a Democrat in South Carolina is like seeing big foot. It is a rare occurance and the majority of folks don't beleive that you saw one. The history of the Democratic Party in SC is interesting. Below is a quote from

South Carolina, one of the original 13 colonies, attained statehood in May 1788 and has participated in every presidential election except 1864, when it had seceded from the Union. South Carolina has had eight electoral votes since 1932. Like many other southern states, South Carolina voted almost exclusively Democratic from the time of Reconstruction through the early 1960s, before turning Republican largely in response to civil rights legislation. South Carolina was one of only six states to vote for Barry Goldwater in 1964 and has voted Republican since, except in 1976 when it voted for fellow southerner Jimmy Carter.

Although, the Republicans would like to ignore the Democratic Party in South Carolina, you might be suprised at the final total in the last Presidential election. The state did give 8 electoral votes to Mccain but the percentage was closer than should be comfortable for the big elephant party.

2008 / voting / South Carolina- 54% Mccain and 45% Obama.

Suddenly, I don't feel like such a Yeti or Bigfoot anymore. It makes you think that there may actually be hope for the little guy after all.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Praying Nutbars...

I hate to drift back to the old stand by of religion but I just can't help myself. My father and mother are good folks and they attend a local Church in SC. The pastor of the church insist upon bringing politics into the pulpit and mixing it into a kool aid that the congregation must drink. My father has warned the guy on several occasions that contrary to popular belief, not everyone at that Church is a Republican and that he should tone down the conservative rhetoric. The pastor refuses to stop using the bully pulpit for political purposes. The latest example was when he said that God really moved in the election for the senate seat in Massachusetts didn't he? First of all, what business is it of a Southerner to take solace in a political election in the North? These are the same folks that hate "Yankees". Also, if that result means that God moved in that senate race, then God must have really moved last November when we elected Barack Obama. My point is, that God doesn't support any political party. There is no moral high ground in politics either. The sad reality is that we have voters that blindly believe whatever they are told and they get their marching orders from people who often don't give a darn about them. We have folks voting against their best interest simply because either a pastor or conservative talk radio tells them that Democrats kill babies or that Democrats are weak on terror. How on earth can a Republican President reside over the worse domestic terror attack and then be perceived as tough on terror and able to "keep us safe"? I don't care if a pastor wants to be a Republican but I do not want to hear it from the pulpit or when I'm eating lunch with him. I am fair minded though, I also do not want to know if he is a Democrat. Any church, pastor or religious group that is active in politics should have their tax exempt status removed and then we will see how many faithful givers that they keep. It's a sure sign that these groups and religious leaders have no faith in the message if they spend all of their efforts on politics and not on the faith and scriptures that they cling to in word only and not in deed.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bring em Out!

Let it never be said that this President can't stand and deliver. I just watched the State of the Union address and below is a summary of my thoughts....

Mr. Obama is an adult in a room full of kids. He reached out his hand in an honest and pure method that can only be done by a true believer in the American Spirit. This man is not a corporate owned guy, he is not caving but rather, he is being true to his core beliefs. I have grown frustrated by the pace of reform and the change that we need but in the end, how can you fault a person that is committed to changing the way Washington works? Can you say JFK?

It takes a true leader and someone who knows the racial divide to offer to fight for equal pay for women and in case you missed it, he will end don't ask, don't tell. Sexual preference should never be an issue in serving your country and this is the right thing to do.

The use of the filibuster has increased to a level never seen before and I am thankful that the President at least mentioned that the Republicans in the Senate should not be standing in the way of every bill.

Jobs on the way. No where to go but up on the job front. It is still tough in many areas of the country but compared to 1 year ago, we are making great progress and should see jobs added instead of a net loss by opinion. It takes a great leader to inspire a Nation and I am in the inspired numbers after tonight. Even though my own job has been hit hard, I will not give up...I will not quit.

I can not even imagine the Republican congress folks always sitting on their hands. There has never been this level of disrespect. Old white guys mumbling and mouthing their disapproval to every statement made by the President. Lead by example and others will follow, lead by bad example and you may find you are all alone.

Democratic congress people, get over your own interest and bind together. Take care of the Country and the public that elected you and stop serving the drug companies and lobbyist that you think are your friends. Better to serve one term for the people than to gain re election at the cost of your own soul.

Finally, it took courage call out the conservative majority of the Supreme Court for "legislating" from the bench and allowing corporations and unions to buy access and elections with the ruling last week. Uber hypocrites is all that I can say. These guys flat lied to be confirmed. Congress should act now to restore limits and restrict the flow of money. Money should never equal speech corporate or otherwise.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Instead of talking about being patriotic and waving a flag around, we need to get back to buying american made products and maybe we can still save our economy by making and buying "made in the USA". Here are a few links to American made products.

there are a lot more products that are available as well....I will post more in the near future. Don't be cheap, if you were gonna pay $35 for some jeans that are made in China and the american made equivilant is $40, by all means please buy the American product. The sad fallout from the exporting of our jobs include lay offs, becomming a consumption society rather than a production society and the financial services taking over the entire economy. The mega corporations would like you to believe that by exporting our jobs, the products will become cheaper for the consumer but the reality is that the prices do not drop but the profit margin of the giant companies simply increase. If you know of other true American companies that are making products in the USA and are using American materials, please reply to this blog in the comments below.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Elephant Mouth

10 things you will never hear a Republican say….

I was watching BET the other night and…

You know, I just don’t pay enough taxes.

I think everyone deserves access to health care.

The NBA is awesome, it sure has gotten better in the past 20 years.

Our justice system is so strong, terrorist should be tried in our courts.

Mixed couples are a joy, we need more.

People are born Gay and can marry each other.

Bush took too many vacations.

Fox News is a biased and fake news channel.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Fight Back Now!

Just started a new facebook page over this issue. Please visit and become a fan of f.foxnews on facebook. What does the f stand for? decide. I have reached the breaking point over fox news. If you think that fox news is fair or balanced, you are either blind, not informed or a Republican / Conservative. Fox is not a real news channel and should not be treated as such. At one point in the past, I gave fox a chance because I saw the publicity for a fair and balanced news outfit and also the motto of "we report, you decide". It did not take long to figure out that they are only interested in a fair outlook for the Republican Party and the tea baggers and they are only interested in a balanced attack on President Obama and all Democratic leaders and ideas.
The real sore spot for me is that I am forced to look at this crappy channel at many of the businesses that I visit. This includes restaurant's, doctor's offices and insurance companies. I have had enough of this garbage. I have started my own campaign against fox. I am asking that the owner or manager change the channel to something a less stupid. I have already had some limited success. Some places have complied and turned the t.v and others have laughed at me. I have taken it to another level by emailing corporate. Most responses have been polite from corporate and some have said that fox is not a partisan station.
Will you join my efforts and enlist in the fight against fox? Update me on your efforts either on the comments below or on the f.foxnews facebook site.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

You Blew It!

First the shoe bomber and now the unerwear bomber. What's next, the crotch exploder? One thing you can count on, is the Republicans getting their collective thongs in a wad over this. Of course it isn't really about the Christmas day jock strap hijacker but rather about trying in some way to paint the Democrats and President Obama as weak on terrorist and the continuing fight against the bad guys. It is funny to consider the attempts mentioned above and to also note that either nut job would have most likely done more harm to themselves than to the others that were supposed to be hurt. I wish we were capable of joining together and being reasonable on the issue of National defense and safety but instead, we are too busy fund raising and trying to demonize the other side. How can one justify using the struggle against terrorism as a political football? To do so is to wish harm on the Country and our fellow man for political gain. Let's remember, you can not declare war on a tactic...terrorism and the war on terror is a "war" that can not be won but can be better contained.

Friday, January 1, 2010

2009 Top Picks

This is a short list of the top 2009 stories and no particular order. Feel free to add your favorites below.

Al Franken- That is Senator Al Franken to you Mr. Oreilly. After a long drawn out Republican stall, our man prevailed.

Tiger Woods- Proving that no one is beyond a good scandal. Notice that the PGA is minding their manners on this one. If Tiger wanted to, he could start his own golf association and end the tour as we know it.

Tea Baggers?- Really, you guys passed out tea bags and threw tea bags in harbours and then you are surprised that you were called tea baggers? Yes, we all know what the real term means. High school athletics or Halo anyone? We can only pray that these fools form their own political party. That would insure a democratic nation for years to come.

Health Care- Love it or hate it, the Democrats are going to deliver on a long over due health care reform bill.

Cheney- Shut up! Go away, you have no credibility. We were hit on your watch. Be quiet and go away. You are only proving that you are an idiot by speaking further. Why do you hate the troops and our Country?

Hypocritical Noobs- Nevada senator John Ensign, South Carolina governor Mark Sanford, and former congressman Chip Pickering -- C Street has started to get a reputation as somewhere between a halfway house and frat house for conservative politicians looking to cheat on their wives while convincing themselves they're still upstanding guys.

Bret Favre- No, I am not a fan. I have been told that I have to pull for him because I am 42 years old. Bret, I have seen you retire and cry enough already.

Michael Jackson- Very weird dude but a talent for sure.

President Obama taking office- What an awesome accomplishment. If you are a hater, tough luck, we won and you lost. Try harder next time.

No doubt there are many others.