Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bring em Out!

Let it never be said that this President can't stand and deliver. I just watched the State of the Union address and below is a summary of my thoughts....

Mr. Obama is an adult in a room full of kids. He reached out his hand in an honest and pure method that can only be done by a true believer in the American Spirit. This man is not a corporate owned guy, he is not caving but rather, he is being true to his core beliefs. I have grown frustrated by the pace of reform and the change that we need but in the end, how can you fault a person that is committed to changing the way Washington works? Can you say JFK?

It takes a true leader and someone who knows the racial divide to offer to fight for equal pay for women and in case you missed it, he will end don't ask, don't tell. Sexual preference should never be an issue in serving your country and this is the right thing to do.

The use of the filibuster has increased to a level never seen before and I am thankful that the President at least mentioned that the Republicans in the Senate should not be standing in the way of every bill.

Jobs on the way. No where to go but up on the job front. It is still tough in many areas of the country but compared to 1 year ago, we are making great progress and should see jobs added instead of a net loss by opinion. It takes a great leader to inspire a Nation and I am in the inspired numbers after tonight. Even though my own job has been hit hard, I will not give up...I will not quit.

I can not even imagine the Republican congress folks always sitting on their hands. There has never been this level of disrespect. Old white guys mumbling and mouthing their disapproval to every statement made by the President. Lead by example and others will follow, lead by bad example and you may find you are all alone.

Democratic congress people, get over your own interest and bind together. Take care of the Country and the public that elected you and stop serving the drug companies and lobbyist that you think are your friends. Better to serve one term for the people than to gain re election at the cost of your own soul.

Finally, it took courage call out the conservative majority of the Supreme Court for "legislating" from the bench and allowing corporations and unions to buy access and elections with the ruling last week. Uber hypocrites is all that I can say. These guys flat lied to be confirmed. Congress should act now to restore limits and restrict the flow of money. Money should never equal speech corporate or otherwise.

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