Sunday, January 24, 2010


Instead of talking about being patriotic and waving a flag around, we need to get back to buying american made products and maybe we can still save our economy by making and buying "made in the USA". Here are a few links to American made products.

there are a lot more products that are available as well....I will post more in the near future. Don't be cheap, if you were gonna pay $35 for some jeans that are made in China and the american made equivilant is $40, by all means please buy the American product. The sad fallout from the exporting of our jobs include lay offs, becomming a consumption society rather than a production society and the financial services taking over the entire economy. The mega corporations would like you to believe that by exporting our jobs, the products will become cheaper for the consumer but the reality is that the prices do not drop but the profit margin of the giant companies simply increase. If you know of other true American companies that are making products in the USA and are using American materials, please reply to this blog in the comments below.

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