Thursday, January 5, 2012

Random Thoughts and Daily Reflections

Drove by a dozens of churches today. Why would we be so cocky as to think that certain locations or building could ever capture and hold a God?

Ron Paul got screwed in Iowa and although he will stay in the race a while, he will never be the republican representative. He's racist enough for them but not willing to be a war monger or invade sovereign Nations.

Republicans are not for small Government. Elect Romney or Newt or Santorum and they'll show you a debt and deficit that dwarfs any all all comers before them.

If you really believe that Obama wants to harm the Country or your Grand Parents, you're just a complete idiot and shouldn't be allowed to vote. Rush and the other right wing show blowhards will say whatever it takes in order to get the compliance of the gullible and to make millions at their expense.

I have come to consider myself a deist. This is based on research about the founding fathers of America, the writings of Thomas Paine and just common sense. I can not divorce myself from the concept of a God because reason would hold that if there is evil in the world, there must also be an equal force of good. I think that the theory of God and access to him have been so distorted by the religions of the world that there is no hope of any of them being legitimate. I judge men based solely on their actions and attitudes and not on their personal belief system or lack thereof.

Rich doesn't equal wrong but it's terribly difficult for the wealthy to do good for others. Greed becomes the motivational force in their lives. There are many people who have plenty and yet pretend to be poor or struggling. The word is mockery.

Love your children and don't take chances with their well being. When others call you over protective, take it as a compliment because you only get one shot to be a good parent to each kid in your life.

Just because your parents spanked you as a child, that doesn't make it an honorable or necessary practice. I changed my mind about this issue when I overheard a couple of ladies speaking about how their parents spanked and beat them daily and that they turned out great and they were going to make sure they repeated the process with their kids. Why would you put your kids through a process that sucked for you as a child? Proving a point is no excuse for cruelty in my book.

It's funny how many people seem to think they know whats best for everyone else. Personal preferences should not be the standard by which we view others. Tattoos and piercings are signs of expression in the same way that fashion is.

This is just a set of random thoughts and reflections from the day. Insomnia dictates that the mind find some relief. Look for more in the future.

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