Monday, May 3, 2010

A Brief History Lesson

I continue to hear people from the red state locals all the way to the the mouth of the news, speaking about how Obama is turning us into a Soviet style regime. I seem to remember the beginning of the Russian influence being in 2002. Bush created the Dept. of "homeland security"....the homeland? That sounds like mother Russia to me. Of course, we had just suffered a terrorist attack on the watch of Bush and we were told that any questioning of the leaders would mean that we supported the terrorist. The Patriot Act was a Soviet style over reach that basically jerked freedoms rug from under our feet as well. In the history of the United States from 1933-2001, we had 39 "czars" appointed. In the Bush administration, we had 35 "czars" appointed from 2001-2009. As any reasonable person can see, Mr. Bush....a republican, was the new age leader that brought us the art of czar appointments. Now, our leader, Mr. Obama has and will continue this trend because of the precedent set forth after 911 and the anxiety of the US since. We also witnessed our government using illegal wiretapping and eavesdropping on our citizens and the act of invading a sovereign nation that had nothing to do with the attacks of 911. The next time you see a tea party idiot or Palin or Limbaugh lashing out in "Beck" style, you may want to remind them of the facts mentioned here.

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