Sunday, April 4, 2010

What the Government does right!

Seems like all we hear these days are talking points from the right side of the isle. I will give them credit, they can produce a bullet point and make it catchy enough for the whole base to understand. The most common phrase that I am hearing is that "the Government can't do anything right". This is being used mostly in relation to health care reform and the hope of eventually getting to a single payer system. The pundits are also saying that the IRS will be taking over the health care system and handing out fines and that the average pay for a physician in countries with single payer is $100,000 and this is shown on some conservative websites. The truth is that the average pay in countries with single payer is in the ranges of $200,000- $350,000. I would recommend that everyone watch the Michael Moore film Sicko as a homework assignment. Back to the actual point, the following is a list of things that the Government does right. Compare this to the corporate run failures of Blackwater, Haliburton and the money grubbing health insurance companies that only make profits by denying coverage and health care to those that need it.

US Post Office- The most reliable form of affordable mail service on the planet. The post office has hard working dedicated workers and I have zero reservations or doubts about sending a payment or photo to anywhere in the country. I am blown away that I can place a 44 cent stamp on an envelope and a few days later, it appears at my friends house in San Diego...across the Country. Now that's what I call service.

The much overlooked FAA. It is rare that planes crash unless there is a rogue tea party guy trying to destroy an IRS building. There is screening and testing performed and these are mostly run in an economical and proficient manner.

Social Security- This is the safety net for America and payments always arrive on time. Haters will always say that the system will eventually run out of funds but the cures are simple...such as not limiting the cap for social security tax as incomes go up to lofty levels. Thank God that Bush and the republicans were stopped from making this program private...the wall street crash would have wiped the program out.

Medicaid- Takes the rejects from the big insurance companies and never turns someone down for age or pre existing conditions and runs much more fluid and with less over head than corporate health insurance.

Public Schools- When funded and held accountable, this is perhaps the most underrated public program. We even provide free and reduced lunches and breakfast to children that can't afford them.

Fire Dept and Police Dept- These servants are underpaid and over worked but when you need them, they never ask what political party that you are in before helping and they never ask if your property had a pre existing condition that caused the fire or crime.

a short list of others would include but not be limited to....
FDIC, Public Library, Interstate Highways, DMV, the Military, NASA and many many others.

The dirty little secret is that Republicans have always hated social programs and if they could, they would end them all and have their corporate giant buddies take them over at great profits and at horrible service standards. I'm afraid that the tea party people are just too dumb to understand that they are doing the bidding of the corporate minions and republican masters and it is against their best interest to support crashing the Government and as a result, loosing the social security and medicare that they are using.

1 comment:

  1. Too often,the right spouts talking points that they hear from their leaders (Limbaugh,Beck, etc.)without actually examining the facts.Republicans are masters of using these talking points as well as words like "socialist","liberal","fascist","communist","terrorist" ,etc, to control their minions. They know these people will only listen to soundbites,catch-phrases and buzz-words without actually checking the facts.The fact is that most gov't programs are for the most part successful,and your blog does a good job pointing that out.
