To those that have been asleep at the wheel, I ask that you awake and become familiar with the modern political vocabulary. Codewords are abundant and used as a dog whistle. I have composed a brief list of these words. Please feel free to add your own to the list through the comment section. The words shown here are used by the conservative super heroes to speak to their base and to insight responses as well.
Judicial Activism- This term as been used by political leaders and pastors and is used to describe any supreme court nominee that would not over turn Roe vs. Wade. You must understand that in this upside down, Sponge Bob opposite day world, up is down, black is white and wrong is right. Never mind the true activist conservative judges that overturn well established laws against influencing elections with corporate money. And be aware, that the new word being rolled out for the same issue is outcome based judging.
Entitlements- This translates to a hand out or give away, mainly used to infer that Mr. Obama is giving African Americans all sorts of free stuff. This was used to make people fear before the election. I was told by several people before last November, that "I like Obama and would consider voting for him but I'm afraid that he will just give everything to black people". The word entitlement is used by right wing radio to stir the white sentiment up against welfare and food stamps although the same folks are too ignorant to realize that the largest group receiving entitlements are white people.
Global Warming- This term is embraced by big oil and corporate giants because it is easy to manipulate and confuse the less educated masses with this term. When it is cold or snowy, such as when it snowed Washington under, the fox media machine loved to say...where is the global warming and Al Gore needs to build an igloo here. The better term would be climate change and anyone with any education knows that the warming is referring to the polls warming which is causing more moisture in the atmosphere and this can cause flooding, massive rain storms and more snowfall.
War on Christmas- Used by fox and conservative talkers to rally Christians into believing that the evil Liberals are trying to take away Christmas and the word Christ. In fact, we should be mindful that there are people that are Jewish or atheist that use the term happy holidays and there is no insult in using these terms instead of merry Christmas. This is another rally cry to the base. Nothing unites people like a common enemy.
Tolerance / Coexist- This term has been used for years to teach the sheep that it is o.k. to be politically incorrect and that tolerance means that we are trying to elevate the gay, black or Godless agendas over the "good American" ways. If you simply live by the golden rule, the proper actions will be taken.
Socialist / Communist- A way to project the hate, fear and discrimination of the Republican party onto the other side. The Republicans would be much more closely aligned with Hitler than Obama ever would and since they are aware of this, they try to paint the Democratic party with a cover up brush to divert attention from their own weakness.
War on Islam- This should be a war on religious extremist. The problem is, that then we would have to consider the abortion doctor killers, the tax revolt people that crash into buildings and gun violence nuts as terrorist as well.
Keeping us safe, weak on terror- Used to distort the fact that we were hit on George Bush's watch and there is no way that Bush and Cheney should be credited with keeping us safe when the worst terrorist attack in our history took place while they were in office. All attempts to blame the attack on Clinton are simply more of the same...excuses and distractions.
Obama is a Muslim, racist or was not born here- More ways to stir hate for any religion that is different and to further distrust of the government. Funny thing is, McCain would be the one that would be questioned on this issue as he was born in the Panama Canal military zone. Also, what we learned was that Reagan and McCain, who never attended church, were "Christian" but Obama and Carter who attend church all the time and have confessed their faith, are actually Muslim, sinners and evil....go figure. More of Bush's fuzzy math.