Friday, January 13, 2012

The Perfect Republican Candidate

Introducing the perfect republican Presidential candidate.
Name- Not Romney
Birth Date- 07-07-77 (God's Perfect #7)
Birthplace- Bethlehem, PA (Just like Jesus)
Extreme Conservative Credentials- Anti abortion in all cases without exception. Life begins at dinner and consideration. Birth control is the same as abortion and should be outlawed. Corporations are people and can run for office but are protected from prosecution under the law. Government should only be big enough for a few conservatives to make unlimited money by selling favors and influence. Unlimited money in the political process is good for democracy. 99% of the people are just jealous of the people who have made it and should be for protecting the wealthy because if they just work long enough and hard enough, they can be filthy rich some day. Marijuana and hemp are the devil's medicine and should always be illegal but prescription drugs produced by big pharma are a heavenly delight even if they kill or addict you. He's for appealing any health care policy that makes it easier or cheaper to have coverage and for God's sake, a public option or universal healthcare is European socialism, even if it makes us healthier and cost us less than the current system. What would the poor pitiful giant private insurance companies do if they couldn't pillage their customers and deny coverage to make a profit? Gambling and the lottery are always wrong but allowing Wall Street to gamble with Grandma's social security money is acceptable. He's a Mormon Christian and wants to make us a Mormon Christian Nation making all other religious beliefs and atheism a federal offense. His immigration policy is deporting all illegals even if it means tearing families apart and sending children into social services. Of course social services would be unfunded and churches would have to adopt the kids left behind. He supports a constitutional ban on same sex marriage but wants a signing statement that would excuse all of the future republican lawmakers and pastors who are caught in same sex relationships or abuses. Believes that being Liberal, just like being gay, can be cured by intense therapy by "approved" clinics, most would be run my Marcus Bachmann. People who make less than $250,000 per year are just lazy and should pay 50% tax rates but anyone making more than $250,000 per year should pay a decreasing tax rate that eventually goes to 0%. These are the job creators for heaven's sake and we can't expect them to hire invisible people and pay taxes too. He once met an African American person and didn't feel disgusted so that means he's not a racist and he feels their pain and besides "the blacks" just love him. He feels that Guantanamo should hold anyone that we feel threatened by and from time to time we should blow it up, rebuild it and do it again. The event would be televised and proceeds would be given to the republican party. He believes that there should be no minimum wage. How else are we going to compete with third world countries for low wage jobs? For campaign contributions, it would be acceptable to allow Chic Fil A to  put a giant logo on the White House. he would allow Rush Limbaugh to broadcast live from the White House everyday and would give the MLK Jr. holiday to someone who really deserves Ronald Reagan. He supports a law that gives voting power based on net worth. As you can see, this guy has it all. Too bad the republican pipe dream is so totally out of touch with reality and the desires of reasonable Americans. If they have a perfect candidate and if he ever came forward and ran on that platform, it would be the end of their party so my advice to them? Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it and so much more.

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