Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dear Conservatives

I realize that you have been told that all Democrats and Liberals are evil. The power players within the conservative culture have told you on a daily basis that all the world’s problems are the fault of a society that has been corrupted by Liberal philosophy. It’s time to open your eyes and realize that you’ve been lied to. The games that have been played with a pseudo social conservative appeal are all a farce and a sham intended to distract you from the real issues. Please take a look in your wallet and in your bank account. If you find enough money for you and your family to live comfortably for the next 50 years, then the republican party is for you but if you struggle to survive, don’t have adequate insurance coverage and don’t believe in discrimination, you’re in the wrong party. You are a pawn on a board for the rich and powerful. They know that they can control your vote by pretending to be Christian and sympathetic to the average person. The moral majority married the church and conservative politics and the result was an entire voting block of people who are convinced that Jesus cares about who you vote for or that Christianity requires being republican. The heroes of the conservative faith are guilty of greed and are in the business of making money by saying anything that you want to hear. Rush Limbaugh may be many things but a moral religious person isn’t one of them. I can’t understand how Southern Christian people can oppose drinking, smoking, divorce and foul language but support political figures that are guilty of all of these and worse. At one time, there was an honest debate in this Country and although we had different approaches, both sides wanted what was best for the Nation and pulled for us to succeed even when the other party was in charge. Conservatives believed in smaller Government but not in demonizing it or privatizing everything so that their cronies could get richer on the backs of the American People. Democrats have never been communist or pure socialist but we do believe in providing for the basic needs of all People. Social programs were put in place largely through Democratic Leaders and history has proven them to be correct. A portion of the republican party has never liked the fact that the Democratic Party gets to play Santa Claus to those in need including the poor and elderly and have always wanted to stop these programs. The Democratic Party believes in uniting and accepting various viewpoints and the republican party has become the party of division and non acceptance unless your viewpoints sync up. Liberals aren’t going to hell and God doesn’t require you to vote for a certain party. Morality and politics are not the same and no one political party has an exclusive hold on patriotism or truth. The next time you listen to fox news or conservative talk radio, please notice how everyone seemingly agrees with the host and notice the lack of any alternative views allowed. If your product is really good and pure, there’s no need to fear competition. The “hate” of the government that is essential to conservatism is not at all an attempt to kill government but rather an attempt to steal the jobs and services offered and maintained by the government. If you believe that doing away with the department of education would save you money or make education better, you’d better think again. The department would simply be replaced by private contractors who would charge you a profit to educate your kids and the outcomes would be worse without any recourse. The more correct way to phrase the reality of the conservative agenda would be replace or privatize for profit. This is also one of the biggest misunderstandings about healthcare. Medicare for all would eliminate the greed and profit margin that makes insurance and health cost skyrocket now. It would also do away with companies being able to deny claims. In a for profit healthcare system, the large companies make money by denying healthcare and allowing people to die. The real beauty would be that if you wanted your own private coverage, you could still have it but for the masses, universal care would be a blessing straight from God. Believing and subscribing to conservative ideology produces bitterness. Ask yourself if you ever feel better after watching fox or listening to conservative radio? The time has come for you to stop believing everything that you’ve been told. It’s time to do the hard work of thinking for yourself and developing your own opinions. Now is the time to break free from the constant cloning process and shock jock culture of the right wing of American politics. Walking in the same footsteps never takes you to a new place but the entire world is waiting to be explored. If you own a gun, stop letting the NRA control your actions and use fear to motivate you to do their bidding. If you’re a Christian, stop allowing abortion, homosexuality and guilt to force conformity and blind loyalty. Intelligence and higher education are not the enemy. This great society can only survive when we are willing to be honest and work toward the common good of all humanity.  If you find strength today, cut the strings that cause you to act without thought.