Sometimes I meet people who say that both political sides are wrong and that we need a voice of reason. The argument sounds good and is easy to believe until you consider the facts. Both sides are not the same and they are not on equal playing fields. Consider a visual of a teeter totter with a balance in the middle. On the extreme right side is virtually the entire conservative and republican establishment. This mass of white humanity includes, the Koch Brothers, Rush, Hannity, religious leaders, fox news and anyone willing to listen and believe the lies and propaganda being spread by all of these. The Left side doesn't really have anyone at the extreme end of it. There are a few weights spread over the entire left side but the greatest mass is just left of center. The most extreme occupants are not vile and the entire spectrum is diverse and concerned about others. The Left does not share a common voice or desire to spread misinformation. We also do not want to tilt the balance so far to the Left that the mass on the right ends up on the Left side. Despite the ranting from the Right side, Obama is located just right of the center. In order to have a "voice of reason" or a balanced voice, we would have to have equal weight on both sides. The vast majority of media in the Country is conservative and therefore, we can never truly have an equal opportunity. In my own mind, when I get together with Democratic and Liberal friends, we are the voice of reason. We do not operate with any hidden motives or agendas but are constantly searching for truth and a better way forward. The right can never have a credible voice as long as they coddle racism and lies and wink at brutality and violence in the political process. If anyone tells you that both sides are guilty, please ask them to give you examples because there are plenty of them to point to on the right side. It's my belief that there are many in the South that should be Democrats and just don't know it. If you have decided that discrimination is wrong, that everyone deserves access to quality healthcare, that we need social security and medicare, that it's not a sin to obtain education and that science is not voodoo, then the Left side is for you. Democrats don't want your guns, we just want to defend humanity from the attacks of the rich and powerful. We don't want to take money from some to give to others, we just believe that when all contribute on a fair and progressive basis, we can provide for everyone's needs. Unless you are an extremely wealthy person and like being used for the political gain of the overlords, you can't afford to side with the conservative masters. I will never have enough money that it would blind my heart to the plight of the working class in America. I will never be so closed minded as to allow the demonization of science and intellect because it conflicts with a religious leader. The voice of reason speaks to us all and in my opinion, it sounds an awful lot like the opinions and beliefs that we on the Left already share.
TSD - 10/23/2011